Roncalli Shadow Days are Filling Up! Roncalli is excited to welcome future Royals to campus for the Royal for a Day Program! All shadows will be on an individual basis, with 10 students being able to join us each day. All visits will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. All September dates are full, and October 31 is the last day in October with availability.
If you are interested in getting your 8th grader signed up, please email Allie Ross at [email protected] for all available dates. Go, Royals!
Roncalli High School Placement Test Information We are quickly approaching this year's High School Placement test on Saturday, November 4...details for the day are below!
Parent information session from 10-11:15 AM--English in the auditorium, Spanish in room 119 and Burmese in room 132. All parents can enter through Door 5.